
RIE® Educaring


A parent’s love for their child is limitless, and one of the best ways to express this love is to understand your child as an autonomous individual capable of exploring, initiating, and connecting, even as an infant. By establishing respect as the foundation of your bond with your child, you foster a happy, healthy development that will continue to benefit them into adulthood. Magda Gerber’s Educaring Approach is grounded in this philosophy. It encourages parents and caregivers to trust their baby’s instincts for self-discovery and to give the child opportunities to explore their world.

Today, the natural tendency for many parents is to view their children as objects, extensions of themselves, or as works in progress, not as complete, unique beings. The Educaring Approach enables you to adjust your philosophy on the parent-child relationship as a way to raise competent, emotionally intelligent human beings.

A positive goal to strive for when disciplining would be to raise children we not only love but in whose company we love being.”

Magda Gerber

Benefits of Educaring

Both you and your infant can thrive with the Educaring model. As a parent, Educaring can help you develop a stronger, more authentic bond with your child. By understanding your baby as an individual instead of an object you must mold, teach, or distract you can more easily offer them an environment that helps them learn and grow. You’ll trust your baby, and you’ll trust yourself.

Educaring provides a number of benefits for children as well. From infancy, the approach fosters a unique sense of self, which empowers children to trust themselves and their parents as they interact with the world. The goal of Educaring is for children to develop these important qualities that lay the groundwork for long-term happiness:

  • Confidence
  • Curiosity
  • Attentiveness
  • Inner peace
  • Focus
  • Awareness
  • Security
  • Cooperation

Predictability brings about security.”

Magda Gerber

Educaring Principles

Educaring is a broad philosophy and practice that can influence every aspect of your parenting style. To truly understand and embody the approach, it is recommended that clients work with a professional who is trained and experienced in the model.

Respect: Respect for your child is the basis of the approach. Your respect shines through in every interaction you have with your baby, which creates a sense of safety and validation within them.

Authenticity: Your child is an authentic being who deserves to feel autonomous, competent, and secure. As you listen to and interact with your child, they will know that you are completely and truly interested in them as a person.

Trust: You must trust in your baby to initiate their own exploration of the world. Your child knows what they want to learn, and your responsibility is to provide the help they need to explore and master their goals.

Observation: Understanding your child’s needs requires careful observation, especially before they communicate with language. The more closely you watch your infant, the more you’ll notice the rapid developments they make in their learning. This furthers your respect and trust in your child, and it empowers you to encourage your child to direct their own learning.

Involvement: Infants can and should be involved in their own care. During activities like bathing, dressing, and feeding, look for opportunities for interaction and cooperation from your baby. This helps your child feel seen and heard, and it promotes a sense of autonomy and independence.

Predictability: One of the most important responsibilities for you as a parent is to create a safe and predictable environment in which your child can learn and grow. Predictability is the key to learning, and a secure and appropriate environment encourages exploration.

Freedom: Infants develop countless skills through play. Instead of trying to teach your baby skills, offer them opportunities for uninterrupted, self-directed play so that they can guide their own learning.

Consistency: Like predictability, consistency with expectations and boundaries is essential for establishing a sense of safety and trust in your child. The parent should clearly define and communicate limits to help the child feel secure.

Learning to observe your baby is a long and slow process. If your goal is to allow your baby to become a genuine, authentic being it is the most worthwhile investment.”

Magda Gerber

We believe that unconditional respect and validation are at the center of a healthy bond between parent and child, and we are proud to work alongside parents who aim to use this approach.

Parenting is one of the most rewarding yet challenging human experiences. We want what’s best for our children, and the choices we make in their infancy have long-lasting effects on their well-being. If you’re interested in exploring your parenting approach and incorporating principles from the RIE Educaring model, click here to schedule an appointment or consultation call.

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